Direct Billing for EXAM only, MAYBE available at some of our Clinics (Vancouver, East Vancouver, North Shore, Burnaby, Richmond, North Delta, Surrey (City Centre & Maple Ridge) for the Exam and Treatment portion (custom orthotics, shoes or supplies must be paid for in full) • We accept Credit Cards & also accept Cash or Debit payments. Services provided by Doctor’s of Chiropractic & Physiotherapist (North Shore)

We REQUIRE our online intake form to be filled out prior to your appointment so our doctors can prepare in advance.

Vancouver (HEAD OFFICE), Downtown, Commercial Drive & East Hastings ONLY: $49 NEW YEAR (3D) Foot Scan Promotion Currently Offered.

Vancouver Orthotic Clinics

Vancouver Orthotic Clinics by Dr. Michael Horowitz & Associates. We provide Diagnosis & Treatment. Consultation, examination, diagnosis and if necessary, the fitting, production and dispensing of custom made orthotic inserts. We use 3D Foot Scan Technology and an Electronic Gait Scan Analysis. We provide a therapeutic approach to treating flat feet, foot pain, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, buni... Read More

Vancouver Orthotic Clinics by Dr. Michael Horowitz & Associates. We provide Diagnosis & Treatment. Consultation, examination, diagnosis and if necessary, the fitting, production and dispensing of custom made orthotic inserts. We use 3D Foot Scan Technology and an Electronic Gait Scan Analysis. We provide a therapeutic approach to treating flat feet, foot pain, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, bunions, heel spurs, ankle, knee, hip, or back pain by starting at the source. Our goal is to provide our patients with an enhanced biomechanical support system that will ultimately lead to better posture and elimination of pain. By stabilizing and balancing your feet, custom made orthotics will help restore the proper alignment of the joints and bones in the foot and improve your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness.

Ali Fard (BSc, PT) is a Registered Physiotherapist licensed in BC with a special interest in biomechanics in the feet & joints of the spine. He’s the North Shore representative at Vancouver Orthotic Clinics, which is located in ZONE4 Physiotherapy. Welcome to the Wellness Zone!

Ali Mohammadi Fard has over 15 years of rehabilitation experience having worked in both acute and ambulatory settings managing a vast range of musculoskeletal, sports injuries, and neurological disorders. He graduated from The University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences in Tehran, 2004 and explored his passion for sports physiotherapy working with the Volleyball National team B and U21 of Iran. Having worked with elite sporting teams, Ali is now bringing the same principles and experience to ZONE 4 PHYSIO to help you achieve your goals. His interest in integrating exercise therapy with manual techniques helps patients to get back to optimal function in a safe and efficient way. Ali is certified in dry needling.

Ali Fard (BSc, PT) is a Registered Physiotherapist licensed in BC with a special interest in biom... Read More

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North Shore (Off Londsdale)
Located at: 147 16th St W, North Vancouver
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